What Easter Means to Me nowadays is vastly different than when I was a child. I was oblivious to the religious connection to the holiday, as a kid. I thought it was about the Easter Bunny, and hiding eggs in the yard. Literally we would hide real hard boiled eggs in the front and back yard for my sister and I to find. What Easter Means to Me Honestly, it changes from year to year, and from relationship status at the moment. I once dated a mother of two that were young enough to still enjoy chocolate bunnies, and other candies, while searching for plastic eggs and the prizes within. One of the other candies was (still is) the Just Born-marshmallow Peeps. Ugh! I never liked them, but loved the Washington Post's The Peep Show which was a contest on how to create the best art and diorama of the confection. After 10 years though, they have canceled it. Read about it here , but it's true! I would read about the reprint in the Seattle Times when it was still a printed new...
My observations and thoughts while being a passenger on Spaceship Earth