The women's bathroom, to me, is a modern day enigma. My confusion started with this mysterious place when I was a young man. My first job for the 'man' was at Payless Drug Store (aka Pay 'N' Save, then Thrifty Payless Drug Store, finally Rite Aid) One of my nightly duties was to clean the restrooms for both genders. After my first time, I learned to start with the most difficult one to clean as it would take the most time: Women's. I am a rather tolerant and patient person even a teenager. I understand that women have more outgoing bodily fluids than men so I usually forgave some of the messes left in there as my nightly 'treat'. They give us life, they rear the children they produce, and more. I get it. What I didn't understand or 'get' was ... If they are the fairer sex, and seem put together, and generally smell nice, why the hell is it such a nasty ass place then? Even most women would share with me one of the nastiness places on...
My observations and thoughts while being a passenger on Spaceship Earth