The following is the next installment of a series honoring 20th time for not having my Mom around for Mother's Day 2017.
Part II: The Middle The US military did eventually station my Dad in Long Beach. Mom's citizenship was granted with the marriage. However, my Dad made a promise to return Mom back to the Philippines within 5 years to visit as condition of having the blessing of the union. The 70's was still a tumultuous time for the amount of civil unrest throughout the United States. Can you imagine uprooting your entire existence, move to another country, that you barely speak the language, but look relatively like a person that the US Military is embroiled in a foreign, controversial conflict with? You either must be crazy or brave. So thank you, brave mom! I wouldn't exist without your bravery against the harshest circumstances. Eventually, and luckily, Dad and Mom moved up north to Washington State in the Green Lake area. Then my mom was soon pregn...
My observations and thoughts while being a passenger on Spaceship Earth