Eight years ago, I declared December 1st as Tabula Rasa Day ! I have invited several new peeps to participate so they asked me the origin of Tabula Rasa Day, so here is the answer ... The story starts with my sister living in a bad apartment complex, and the first few months of my divorce being finalized. My ex-wife and I made an agreement about the sale of the house, and that I would move out of the house while it was being sold. The search was on for an apartment with my sister! And this isn't the first time we've lived together either, or on account of the ex. In my mind, I wasn't ready to encounter my ex on a regular or semi regular basis so I wanted to be south of her as much as possible. That meant near my work location of Issaquah. My sister also worked at Costco Travel with me at the time, so it would benefit her as well to live in the city of Issaquah. I located an apartment complex that was mere minutes away. However, I was busy as hell so I was unable to v...
My observations and thoughts while being a passenger on Spaceship Earth