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Showing posts from November, 2014

Home, Sweet, Home

The following is the journal excerpt from my 2006 experience of a sudden ice storm that paralyzed the Seattle area for one night... Below is the excerpt from my journal regarding my almost 20 hour (19hrs 56mins) odyssey from Costco Travel (Issaquah) to my home (Bothell) and the 26 miles that separate it... "Home, Sweet, Home" November 27th 2006 [430p] Left work to start my commute home. Since it had rained/snowed earlier I knew my traffic would be delayed. I just didn't realize what the Gods of Lunacy had in store for me... [630p] Two hours into my usual 1.5 hour, I was near  160th St  SW on I-405 NB. I sat there for 15 minutes w/ no movement. I made the fateful call to bail off the freeway and brave the surface streets to home. Now to fully appreciate the situation, you must know that accessing Bothell from the Woodinville is like connecting via Hong Kong on a Seattle-Los Angeles flight. It was dark, cold and starting to freeze the water on the r...

L.O.K.I. - Lord Over Knowledge and Information

It took me some time but I settled on my name for my iPhone 6. Since Siri is Scandinavian in origin, I researched Norse history and culture. And I also thought about famous artificial intelligences in movies.  Can you add to the lis t? Sharon Apple (Macross Plus) Deus Ex Machina (The Matrix) HAL 9000 (2001: The Space Odyssey) VIKI (Eagle Eye) Skynet (Terminator) So I named it Loki, the Norse God of mischief. Since I was still gunning for artificial intelligence, I converted it to an acronym: L ord O ver K nowledge and I nformation  I wondered if there's a difference between knowledge and information. Apparently there is a difference. Knowledge is what you know as an individual. Information is facts, stats, opinions, other people's knowledge.  So there you have it. L.O.K.I. it is!  This has been your C Note. 'los; out 

Open Letter To Mom

Hey Mom, It’s Los again. Been a minute since I’ve wrote you, and that’s using the term liberally. The world hasn’t gone to hell-in-a-hand basket, yet, so I’m still digging. The last letter I wrote was born out of frustration, hurt, and anger. I thought I would mix it up 10 months down the line with positive energy. Met a woman, Mom. Her name is Cher. She is also a mother of two daughters. She’s half-Filipino with her mother being the full-blooded Filipino. We had a similar upbringing so reminiscing about you has energized memories of you. It’s a compliment, trust me. I’m absolutely convinced you would love her as much as I do. Sadly, I realize that without your passing it wouldn’t have been the catalyst which led me to Cher.  Such is life.  Speaking of life, we’ve been together for a scant 5 months but it seems like we’ve known each other our entire lives. Until I looked at the calendar, I didn’t realize that it’s actually less time on the boards than I thought....