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Showing posts from March, 2012

spending amnesia | Street Word of the Day

spending amnesia / v. 1. trying to recall where and when you spent all your money normally when that said money is needed. 2. occurs because of bad spending habits and awesome party nights. SEE ALSO : swipeout, nillionaire Brofessional #1: "Dude, I'm so bad with money! It just disappears." 'los with the most: "You might have spending amnesia . I remember you lost at beer pong then hit the pubs with those trannys.'"

farting at a fan - Street Word of the Day

farting at a fan / v. 1. harming one's self, usually unintentionally or without knowledge of doing so. 2. Similar to saying "you are only hurting yourself." 3. similar to phrase "shooting yourself in the foot." SEE ALSO : CLM [Career Limiting Move], work mouth, drunk words Fred: "I got really annoyed at work today, so I told my boss to shut up." Andy: "That's just farting at a fan , man."