“Time is free but its priceless. You can’t own it but you can use it. You can’t keep it but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” - Harvey MacKay Ah, yes. The time honored tradition of using a quote to launch into your diatribe about the subject. Then again, I couldn’t have said that any better. I can only add that time is a precious commodity. No one person can have more than another. Time is still measured as sixty seconds per minute, sixty minutes per hour, twenty-four hours per day and so forth. However, time is subjective and relative isn’t it? For example, if you’re anticipating a big event in your life, the time leading up to it seems either too slow or fast, yet on the actual time for the event you don’t want it to ever end. Time is my foe. Time is so relentless, so continuous. It doesn’t stop, it doesn’t pause. Then again it doesn’t reverse or fast forward. Tick, tick, tick. As I peer at the timeline for my iTunes library, I chuckle....