Recently, SpaceX founder, #ElonMusk launched a Telsa Roadster into space with the driver named, Spaceman. The words, "Don't Panic" is displayed on the center console. This is an obvious ode to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Well, I ALSO paid homage to the "trilogy with 5 parts" weeks ago because my 42nd birthday was this year, so I dressed up as Arthur Dent and I was easily recognized by the knowledgeable fans.
If you're familiar with the series, read it, or even watched the 2015 feature film of the same name, you'll know that after millions of years the Deep Thought super-computer concluded that the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is ... 42!
With the launch, the talk of a "space elevator" has been renewed which would eliminate the costly rocket launches that cost $10,000 per pound.
And then it's a quick transition to Faster-Than-Light (FTL) engines and/or drives. Humans have determined the distances of other objects in space are further than our current transportation. We'd be dead before reaching the closest star.
So maybe a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would be the key to success?
Science fiction makes my heart sing because that's the creativity that scientists are inspired by to make some of those concepts and/or inventions into science fact!
The Hubble Space Telescope, and the International Space Station (ISS) are testimony to citizens of Earth are looking beyond the stars. I recently watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
I discovered that the basis of Alpha is the ISS grew so large that it was sent off into outer space, and had been added on by other beings over 700 hundred years.
So don't panic, the future of space, and space travel is still in progress. I can't wait to see what develops next! Until next time, Spaceship Earth, be good like you should, and if you can't be good, be good at what you do.
Mic drop *bOoM*
'los; out
If you're familiar with the series, read it, or even watched the 2015 feature film of the same name, you'll know that after millions of years the Deep Thought super-computer concluded that the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is ... 42!
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The announcement revitalized my interest in space exploration, which I'm assuming is the same across the globe considering the amount of social media buzz it created.With the launch, the talk of a "space elevator" has been renewed which would eliminate the costly rocket launches that cost $10,000 per pound.
And then it's a quick transition to Faster-Than-Light (FTL) engines and/or drives. Humans have determined the distances of other objects in space are further than our current transportation. We'd be dead before reaching the closest star.
So maybe a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would be the key to success?
Science fiction makes my heart sing because that's the creativity that scientists are inspired by to make some of those concepts and/or inventions into science fact!
The Hubble Space Telescope, and the International Space Station (ISS) are testimony to citizens of Earth are looking beyond the stars. I recently watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
I discovered that the basis of Alpha is the ISS grew so large that it was sent off into outer space, and had been added on by other beings over 700 hundred years.
So don't panic, the future of space, and space travel is still in progress. I can't wait to see what develops next! Until next time, Spaceship Earth, be good like you should, and if you can't be good, be good at what you do.
Mic drop *bOoM*
'los; out
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