UGH. I did myself the disservice of looking at the mirror I was naked. Nobody needs to see that, let alone me. In the morning. Before coffee (BC) Cher and I jokingly said that any events or decisions before coffee / caffeine most likely will be nullified. I had 3 epiphanies on our trip; all after one cup of java joy. We also reference B.C. as Before Cher / Before Carlos, meaning the time before we met each other and found love.
I digress.
As I was admiring (more criticizing) what I saw, I wanted to set out to change that. I’ve attempted several times already. Each time ended with frustration and disappointment. I reviewed each attempt with a lessons-learned-what’s-my-takeaway. You see, I’ve done this before. I wanted big guns, and broad shoulders – check and check. Now I want a flat stomach as I’ve had before so I know it’s possible.
Talking with my love, Cher, we agreed we needed a goal, an arbitrary point in time, a bookend to the effort. While I agree with that, I also remark in the same breath that I’ve done that before, too.
Each time with a set amount of days to accomplish x amount of body fat %, blah-blah-blah weight, and more. So I am (or was) left baffled. If I’ve done this before, then why the hell can’t I repeat the feat?
Is it the lack of fitness knowledge? Is it my form? Am I consuming the wrong body fuel? Nope – I have that down.
Is it I lack self-discipline? Or determination? Or drive? If you know in the least bit, you know I have this in spades! All day! Every day!
Is it the lack of resources, and/or money? No, I have corporate gym with no fee, and money to pour into this effort. As far as people are concerned, I have plenty of those blowing up my social media feeds on their activity and/or progress (i.e. Instagram, Facebook)
So what the hell is it? I tell ya what it is. Time. Or rather the lack of it. There are finite amount of hours in a day, which priorities and excuses dictate how those hours are used. I’ve spoken and written about this ‘time’ business ad nauseum. So I’ll skip it here on this post.
I’m a busy guy, again all you have to know is that is an understatement comparatively speaking with my peer group of males, ages 35-39. So I have this issue (lack of time) yet a desire to better myself in a succinct timeline.
I refuse to call the following a fitness challenge. It’s an activity challenge. If you can increase your physical activity, yet decrease your caloric intake, that’ll force your body into ketosis and burn that cortisol that’s just hanging tough.
The challenge? Stay active every day for 90 consecutive days. No weekend breaks, no excuses but no goals either. Just dig, and keep digging, and get all you get within 3 months. I’m calling it the Keep Digging 90 Day Challenge. All I’m proposing for myself is doing any activity to raise your heart level for 90 straight days.
Please don’t worry as I won’t be posting a daily progress report – you don’t wanna read that ISH every day for 3 months, as much as I don’t wanna post. However, when appropriate, I’ll hashtag relevant activity and/or news with that.
While still eating correctly with an a$$-ton of veggies, and chicken, drinking your water, no soda, or energy drinks (this will be brutal!) I’ll be diligent about washing my gym clothes, and packing my bag nightly, with my brown-bag lunch or money for a healthy lunch.
So with all this ISH, I’m boarding the struggle bus because I’m gonna be driving it, BITCHES! I don’t know if I’ll drive it to crazy town, off a damn cliff, or to the finish line, but it has departed this morning from the depot. I scribbled down my weight, grabbed Mark VI (with Nike Fitness), and banged out 3.9 miles of terrain running. But that’s not the only activity. It can be walking, geocaching, T-25, lifting weights, anything!
If you want to follow along and/or join please use this hashtag on social media #KD90DC. Otherwise, I’ll be digging along, singing a song, the song may change but the digging ain’t wrong!
#allaboardtheStruggleBus #thestruggleisreal #keepdigging
‘los; outro.
Day 25. No energy drinks, although a soda or two may have dribbled down my parched throat. Along with beer, and rum (not all at the same time, of course) Ran 4 miles on Memorial Day 2015. Why? Because I could. Thank you to the men and women that sacrificed their lives so that I have the ability to do what I want on a daily basis. #MemorialDay #KD90DC